IntroductionThe autolysis taking place in submerged carbon-depleted cultures of Penicillium chrysogenum is influenced by numerous intrinsic (vacuolation, age-related hydrolase production, aging) and extrinsic (power input, shearing forces, nutrient and O 2 limitations, penicillin side-chain precursors) factors (Harvey et al., 1998;McIntyre et al., 1999McIntyre et al., , 2000Nielsen and Krabben, 1995;Paul et al., 1994;Paul and Thomas, 1996;Pócsi et al., 2000; Pusztahelyi et al., 1997a, b;White et al., 1999). In some aspects, the autolysis of P. chrysogenum is reminiscent of the apoptosis of higher eucaryotes under these conditions, e.g., it is an en- In carbon-depleted cultures of Penicillium chrysogenum, age-related chitinases were shown to play a crucial role in both autolysis and fragmentation as indicated by in vivo enzyme inhibition experiments using allosamidin. This pseudotrisaccharide even hindered significantly the outgrowth of new hyphal tips from the surviving yeastlike fragments after glucose supplementation. The antifungal effect of allosamidin on autolyzing P. chrysogenum mycelia was fungistatic rather than fungicidal. In growing hyphae, membrane-bound microsomal chitinase zymogen(s) were detected, which may be indicative of some compartmentalization of these hydrolases. Later, during autolysis, no zymogenic chitinase was detected in any enzyme fraction studied, including microsomes. These observations may explain the different sensitivity of growing and autolyzing mycelia to allosamidin. Chitinases taking part in the age-related fragmentation of hyphae and the outgrowth of surviving hyphal fragments seem to be potent targets for future antifungal drug research.
Autolysis and aging of