In the region, the basidial macromycetes studies began in 1961. The bulk of research was concentrated in the mountain-forest zone, while the forests and woodlands of flat areas have been less studied. It was revealed more than 95% of the region’s species diversity during the research carried out since 2000 in the Bastak State Nature Reserve. To date, in the region, the researchers have registered 786 species belonging to 303 genera of 101 families from 21 orders of five classes. The predominant class is Agaricomycetes (98% of the total number of species) with the Agaricales, Polyporales and Russulales leading orders. The non-taxonomic group of agaricoid mushrooms is represented by 458 species (58%), aphyllophoroid – 277 species (35%), gasteroid species – 23 (3%), and heterobasidial species – 28 (4%). The predominant ecological groups are xylotrophic (47.5%) and mycorrhizal (24.7%) fungi. Much less abundant are humus saprotrophs (15.5%) and litter saprotrophs (11.1%). There are only few species fruiting on old caps of other mushrooms and co-located with mosses and liverworts, two lichenized species and some species parasitizing on other fungi. There are 18 species of fungi and one lichenized basidiomycete species in the regional Red Data Book. Seven species found in the region are listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation: Fomitopsis castanea, Ganoderma lucidum, Grifola frondosa, Leucopholiota lignicola, Lichenomphalia hudsoniana, Strobilomyces strobilaceus, and Porphyrellus porphyrosporus. Gomphus clavatus is in the monitoring list of Russia.