A: Thomson Spectrometers are devices capable to separate the several particle species (with distinct charge-to-mass ratio and energy) produced by the different regimes of laser-matter experiments. In this work we describe the development of advanced spectrometers for low and medium energy particles. In particular, they are suitable for protons in the 5 keV-2 MeV and 100 keV-10 MeV energy ranges, respectively. The new prototypes of spectrometers have been designed and built to have a high sensitivity and be adaptable to many experimental situations and configurations, and are tailored to the characterization of charged particles and products of nuclear fusion reactions initiated by high energy and intensity lasers. Details on the realized prototypes, on their characterization and testing, together with the first experimental results are discussed.
K: Plasma diagnostics -charged-particle spectroscopy; Spectrometers; Erasable phosphors; Plasma generation (laser-produced, RF, x ray-produced) 1Corresponding author.