1) It is shown that if c is real-valued measurable then the Maharam type of (c, P(c), σ) is 2 c . This answers a question of D. Fremlin [Fr,(P2f)].(2) A different construction of a model with a real-valued measurable cardinal is given from that of R. Solovay [So]. This answers a question of D. Fremlin [Fr,(P1)].(3) The forcing with a κ-complete ideal over a set X, |X| ≥ κ cannot be isomorphic to Random×Cohen or Cohen×Random. The result for X = κ was proved in [Gi-Sh1] but as was pointed out to us by M. Burke the application of it in [Gi-Sh2] requires dealing with any X.The last inequality holds since N is obtained by a c.c.c. forcing and so every countable set of ordinals in N can be covered by a countable set of V . By Shelah [Sh430]Fix a function f ∈ κ κ representing κ is a generic ultrapower and restrict everything to a condition forcing this.Proof: Otherwise, in a generic ultrapower N . j(S)↾κ = S will be bounded. I.e. there will be some t ⊆ κ countable such that for every s ∈ S s ⊇ t. Using c.c.c. of the forcing we find a countable subset of κ in V , t * ⊇ t. Since S is unbounded in V some s ∈ S contains t * . Contradiction. of the claim.Let N be a generic ultrapower. By [Gi-Sh1] there are in N at least κ Cohen (or random) reals over V .Claim 3. There exists a sequence r α | α < κ of reals in V so that(1) every real of V appears in r α | α < κ .(2) for almost all α(mod I) r α+i | i < f (α) are f (α)-Cohen (random) generic overProof: Construct r α | α < κ by induction. On nonlimit stages add reals in order to satisfy (1). For limit α ′ s with S↾f (α) unbounded in [f (α)] ≤ℵ 0 , add f (α)-Cohen (or random) reals. It is possible since there are at least κ candidates in a generic ultrapower by .of the claim.where r α | α < κ is a sequence given by Claim 3.Then, using Claim 3 in N we can find some α * < j(κ) satisfying (2) of Claim 3 such that j(S)↾α * is unbounded in [α * ] ≤ℵ 0 and j(f )(α * ) ≥ (λ + ) V . It is possible since by Claim 1, (λ + ) V < j(κ) and, in V the range of f restricted to a set not in I is unbounded in κ.The following will provide the contradiction and complete the proof of the theorem.