Background: CBD stones once confirmed have to be extracted in order to prevent the complications related to them. Conventionally T-tube is used for decompression of CBD after open choledocholithotomy which has its own share of complications Aim: To compare clinical outcome in patients of choledocholithiasis undergoing CBD exploration using either a biliary stent or T-tube as a decompression procedure. Design and Place:This was a prospective randomized comparative study where 40 patients after being admitted in Post Graduate Department of Surgery Government Medical College, Jammu over a period of one year w.e.f. November 2015 to October 2016 with diagnosis of choledocholithiasis were divided into two groups (Group A and Group B), each having 20 patients. Method: 40 patients selected in study were subjected to open CBD exploration for choledocholithiasis. Out of these,20 patients in Group A underwent primary closure of the choledochotomy over a biliary stent after open CBD exploration and 20 patients in Group B underwent closure of choledochotomy over a T-tube after open CBD exploration. Result: Primary closure of the CBD over biliary stent is a safe alternative to T-tube drainage with benefits of shorter operative time, hospital stay and lesser morbidity. Conclusion: Closure of CBD over endobiliary stent is a modality for management of CBD stones with proven safety and good results.