PLATE XIXAT T E M P,T s by several investigators have failed to demonstrate the immunogenicity of the 6-haemolysin of StaphyZococcus aureus. Gladstone and Yoshida (1967) did not convincingly demonstrate that 8-lysin was immunogenic and they showed that inhibitors of its haemolytic activity were present in serum. Recent evidence suggests that these serum inhibitors are lipoproteins (Donahue, 1969;Kantor, Temples and Shaw, 1972).In this study, the immunogenicity of 8-lysin has been demonstrated by the use of purified antibody preparations.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPreparation of 6-lysin The strain employed, methods of production and purification of 6-lysin were those of Caird and Wiseman (1970). Purified S-lysin was also kindly sent to us by Dr Arnold Kreger. Haemolysin titrations were performed as described by Wiseman and Caird (1972). Buffers were prepared according to Gomori (1955) and, where required, 0 . 0 1~ phosphate buffer at pH 7 was supplemented with 0.85% NaCl. Nitrogen content was assayed by the microKjeldahl technique as described by Markham (1942) and an estimate of protein content was derived from the assay value multiplied by 6.25.Preparation of u-, ,8-and 7-lysins u-and y-Haemolysins were prepared and purified as described elsewhere (Fackrell and Wiseman, 1974; Wiseman, Caird and Fackrell, 1975). Purified ,!I-lysin was used in one immunodiffusion study and was prepared by a modification of the method of Wiseman and Caird (1967) in which the haemolysin was passed through Sephadex G-75 equilibrated with Hallander's (1963) buffer. The active lysin was pooled when removed from the column, dialysed against distilled water for 48 hours, centrifuged and the supernatant fluid lyophilised.Serological procedures Immunodi'usion, immunoelectrophoresis and quantitative precipitin methods were those of Campbell et al. (1970). The blood agarose required in some immunodiffusion tests was prepared by the addition of 1.0 ml of packed, washed human group-0 RBC to 100 ml of a 1 % (w/v) solution of Difco agarose in phosphate-buffered saline held at 50°C.Production of antisera. Antibodies to the haemolysins were prepared in 2-month-old New Zealand white rabbits purchased from the Canadian Research Animal Farm, Bradford,