The uranium deposit (1350 Ma) of Cigar Lake (Canada) is surrounded by a late hydrothermal alteration halo (330 Ma) containing Fe-illites and kaolinites. Crystallochemical characterization of the kaolinites has been carried on the microscale using XRD, electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) coupled with EDX spectrometry and EPR. The large, well-crystallized particles show large amounts of Fe (0.9-1.8%) and V (0.3-0.5%). According to EPR measurements performed on both random powders and oriented samples, V occurs as the vanadyl ion VO 2 § in substitution within the octahedral sheet of the kaolinite structure in the same way as Fe 3 § Kaolinite growth proceeded through the hydrothermal alteration of anterior phyllosilicates devoid of V, induced by fluids which leached V-rich titano-magnetites in the surrounding sandstones. RESUME: Le gisement d'uranium (1350 Ma) de Cigar Lake (Canada) pr6sente une aur6ole d'alt6ration hydrothermale (330 Ma) contenant des illites ferrif~res et des kaolinites. Nous avons r6alis6 une 6tude cristallochimique des kaolinites h l'6chelle de la particule en combinant la diffraction des RX, la microscopie 61ectronique (MEB et MET) coupl6e h la spectrom6trie RX en dispersion d'6nergie et la r6sonance paramagn6tique 61ectronique (RPE). Les particules, bien form6es et de haute cristaUinit6, montrent un taux 61ev6 de Fe (0.9-1.8%) mais surtout de V (0.3-0.5%). D' apr~s les donn6es RPE, enregistr6es sur des poudres et des 6chantillons orient6s, le V apparait sous forme d'ions vanadyle VO 2+, en substitution, comme Fe 3 § dans la couche octa~drique de la kaolinite. Le ddveloppement des kaolinites r6sulte de l'alt6ration hydrothermale de phyllosilicates ant6rieurs, d6pourvus de V, par des fluides enrichis en cet 616ment lors du lessivage de titanomagn6tites dans les gr~s environnants.The Canadian uranium deposit at Cigar Lake occurs near the unconformity between the metamorphosed Lower Proterozoic basement and the Middle Proterozoic sedimentary cover. This ore deposit is surrounded by a hydrothermal alteration halo which affects the metamorphosed basement for more than 100 m depth and the Athabasca sandstones for more than 200 m above the unconformity (Fouques et al.,