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NOV 20072
ABSTRACTDiscovery in science is the generation of novel, interesting, plausible, and intelligible knowledge about the objects of study. Literature-related discovery (LRD) is the linking of two or more literature concepts that have heretofore not been linked (i.e., disjoint), in order to produce novel interesting, plausible, and intelligible knowledge (i.e., potential discovery).
Same as Report (SAR)18
ABSTRACTDiscovery in science is the generation of novel, interesting, plausible, and intelligible knowledge about the objects of study. Literature-related discovery (LRD) is the linking of two or more literature concepts that have heretofore not been linked (i.e., disjoint), in order to produce novel, interesting, plausible, and intelligible knowledge (i.e., potential discovery). LRD has two main components that differ in their methodological approach to discovery:• Literature-based discovery (LBD) produces potential discovery through analysis of the technical literature alone.• Literature-assisted discovery (LAD) produces potential discovery through both analysis of the technical literature and use of selected authors of that literature. These authors generate potential discovery as proposers, workshop/panel participants, or in other active roles.In turn, there are two types of LBD and LAD: open discovery systems (ODS), where one starts with a problem and arrives at a solution, and closed discovery systems (CDS), where one starts with a problem and a solution, then determines the mechanism(s) that links them.LRD offers the promise of large amounts of potential discovery, for the following reasons:• the burgeoning technical literature contains a very large pool of technical concepts in myriad technical areas; • researchers spend full time trying to cover the literature in their own research fields and are relatively unfamiliar with research in other especially disparate fields of research; • the large number of technical concepts (and disparate technical concepts) means that many combinations of especially disparate technical concepts exist 3• by the laws of probability, some of these c...