Hypochlora alba (Dodge) is a specialist grasshopper that lives and feeds almost exclusively on the sage brush Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt., a plant mostly avoided by the generalist grasshopper Melanoplus sanguinipes (Fabr.). Analysis of leaves, seed heads, and glandular trichomes by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed 1,8-cineole, camphor and borneol to be the major monoterpenes and achillin the major sesquiterpene lactone. These terpenoids increased over the growing season and were two to five times more concentrated in the seed heads than in the leaves. Gustatory choice tests showed a feeding stimulant(s) for H. alba to be present in extracts of A. ludoviciana and A. carruthii Wood, a closely related species that H. alba will feed upon, but not in a non-host species, A. filifolia Torr. This stimulant activity was found in a fraction containing primarily monoterpene hydrocarbons. Other fractions containing sesquiterpene lactones had antifeedant activity against M. sanguinipes. Tests with achillin showed the average foliar levels (ca. 2~ dry weight) to be above the rejection threshold of the generalist (0.5~ but below that of the specialist (4~ Reproductive tissue contained average levels greater (ca. 7~ than the rejection threshold of either species.