Making a business rule extraction more dynamic is an open issue, and we think it is feasible if we decompose the business process structure in a set of rules, each of them representing a transition of the business process. As a consequence the business process engine can be realized by reusing and integrating an existing Rule Engine. We are proposing a way for extracting the business rules and then to modify it at the runtime. Business rules specifies the constraints that affect the behaviors and also specifies the derivation of conditions that affect the execution flow. The rules can be extracted from use cases, specifications or system code. But since not many enterprises capture their business rules in a structured, explicit form like documents or implicit software codes, they need to be identified first, before being captured and managed. These rules change more often than the processes themselves, but changing and managing business rules is a complex task beyond the abilities of most business analysts. The capturing process focuses on the identification of the potential business rules sources. As business logic requirements change, business analysts can update the business logic without enlisting the aid of the IT staff. The new logic is immediately available to all client applications. In current trend the rules are modified or changed in the static time phase. But this paper provides to change the rules at the run time. Here the rules are extracted from the services and can be a changed dynamically. The existing rules are modified and attached to source code without hindering service to the end user which can be achieved with source control systems. When the rules are revised, it provides a path in budding new business logic. This new business logic can be adopted for the efficient software development.