Fusion energy is one of the options to contribute to the energy demand of future generations without adding to global warming. In this paper, we present the status of fusion energy research on the basis of magnetic confinement.Fusion energy is one of the options to contribute to the energy demand of future generations without contributing to global warming. In this paper, we present the status of fusion energy research on the basis of magnetic confinement. In France, the first fusion reactor ITER is under construction. Its success will be measured on the expectation to deliver 500 MW thermal power-a factor of 10 above the power to maintain the energy producing process. ITER is based on the tokamak concept. In addition, Wendelstein 7-X, an ambitious stellarator, has recently started operation. Both confinement concepts-the tokamak and the stellarator-will be discussed along with general topics regarding fusion technology, operational safety, fusion waste, possible electricity costs, and roadmaps toward a fusion reactor as a power source.
DISCUSSION POINTS• ITER will demonstrate the feasibility of fusion energy.• The use of fusion energy will be inherently safe and not pollute the environment.• There is an urgent need to develop fusion materials which can withstand the harsh environment of high neutron and power fluxes.• Renewable energies will not be able to meet the demand of all energy consuming sectors in highly developed industrial countries. Therefore, all carbon-free energy sources should be developed including fast fission reactors, CCS-technologies, and fusion.