of the plasma membrane are essential for numerous cellular activities, such as protein complex formation and receptor-mediated signaling. [1] However, obtaining structural and dynamic information on membrane protein complexes is one of the most significant challenges in cell and molecular biology. Most of the in vitro platforms to study membrane protein interactions can be grouped into two broad categories: curved or planar bilayers. Curved bilayers can be achieved with liposomes in the format of small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs), large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs), and giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) for studying lipid and membrane proteins due to their two-sided compartmentalization and excellent lipids and protein diffusion properties. [2] However, achieving consistency in terms of size or lipid asymmetric distribution can be difficult to achieve, and circular geometry is not suitable for high-resolution microscopy or electrophysiological studies. Droplet interface bilayers (DIBs) offer several advantages like liposomes, but the bulk oil environment and the degree of incorporation of oils at the droplet interface restrict its application in biological studies. [3] Planar bilayers in the format of supported or suspended lipid bilayers have attracted considerable interest in overcoming these challenges. They provide simplified biomimetic approaches to elucidate fundamental cellular processes like exo-and endocytosis, [4] ion transport, [5,6] antibiotic and pathogenic interactions, [7,8] protein organization, [9] sequencing, [10] and signaling. [11] Most in vitro studies happen on suspended or supported bilayers using reconstituted proteins. The common form of suspended bilayers, black lipid membranes (BLMs), made with an organic solvent may lead to non-physiological results, and the setups used are also incompatible with singlemolecule and high-resolution imaging. [12,13] BLMs are commonly created by a painting method (depositing lipids dissolved in decane) in micro-apertures fabricated in glass pipettes, [14,15] Teflon films, [16,17] or silicon nitride. [18] Forming BLMs requires a high degree of skill, and yet the outcome of the bilayer is shortlived and unstable, which makes it unsuitable for monitoring dynamic biological processes. [19,20] Cellular plasma membranes, in their role as gatekeepers to the external environment, host numerous protein assemblies and lipid domains that manage the movement of molecules into and out of cells, regulate electric potential, and direct cell signaling. The ability to investigate these roles on the bilayer at a single-molecule level in a controlled, in vitro environment while preserving lipid and protein architectures will provide deeper insights into how the plasma membrane works. A tunable silicon microarray platform that supports stable, planar, and asymmetric suspended lipid membranes (SLIM) using synthetic and native plasma membrane vesicles for single-molecule fluorescence investigations is developed. Essentially, a "plasma membrane-on-a-chip" system that preserves l...