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AbstractThis article gives a critical assessment of the relationship between the poetry of Stéphane Mallarmé and the Cubist painting and collage of Pablo Picasso. Taking in a range of critical sources that have insisted on Picasso's 'mallarmisme', the article sets out to shift scholarly debate away from its focus on Picasso's punning reference to Un coup de dés in a 1912 collage, and its suggestion of a dialogue between poet and painter around high art and its relationship to popular, commercial forms of production. It proposes that we instead focus our attention on the punning structures shared by Mallarmé and Picasso's work more generally -structures which give rise to a sense of simultaneity, or overlaps of meaning, and which ultimately suggest that in engaging with Mallarmé's poetry Picasso was self-consciously reflecting on the notion of painting as a kind of language, with its own syntax.Keywords: Stéphane Mallarmé, Pablo Picasso, Cubism, text-image relationships, simultaneity, pictorial syntax, linguistic analogyThe 1998 centenary of the death of Stéphane Mallarmé was marked by a flurry of publications on the poet, many of which sought to reassess not just his position within French literary history, but also his broad legacy across various cultural domains, including philosophy, music and dance. There was a feeling that the twentieth century was, in many ways, profoundly