This thesis focuses on the role of the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) role in vocational education development in Industry 4.0. Nowadays, there is a demand for the education sector to align with Industry 4.0, known as Education 4.0. In 2018, the SEAMEO, in collaboration with the GIZ, launched a Regional In-Service Training Modules project to support vocational education for Education 4.0. This study compares the impact of the Regional In-Service Training Modules project in two countries with a medium level of education performance in Southeast Asia: Indonesia and Thailand.
This study employs a qualitative method with a case study. Data are collected from depth-interviews with 11 key informants, concept notes, original publications and literature from reliable sources. Data are analysed using a thematic analysis method and Stuffle Beam's CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation model as a conceptual framework.
Overall, this thesis concludes that SEAMEO matters for education development and supporting digitalisation in vocational education for Indonesia and Thailand.
There are three significant findings from this study. Firstly, this study found that SEAMEO has provided access to conduct a project at the regional level and gather participants from 11 countries simultaneously. However, SEAMEO's level of intervention is limited due to their non-binding and non-intervention nature, like ASEAN. Secondly, this study found that digitalisation in vocational education does not mean going fully digital; instead, vocational education shifts towards blended learning by combining online and face-to-face learning. The analysis concludes that practical skills in vocational education are hard to be taught online. Thirdly, the project's different outcomes at the national level are affected by national policy, participants' initiative, funding from GIZ and governments, and the centre for practical training readiness in teaching about Industry 4.0.
Based on the findings and analysis, this study recommends that SEAMEO collaborate with private sectors for their upcoming project to improve their quality. Secondly, vocational education institution in Indonesia and Thailand should strengthen their relationship with Industry to understand the criteria for skilled labour that Industry expects. Last, the Indonesian and Thai governments could learn from each other to improve education policies.