Abstract-In addition to high data rate, millimeter-wave technology has great potential to provide extremely high localization accuracy. In this paper, we outline the benefits of this technology for positioning and their main applications, which are no longer confined to services only but also to improve communication. We shall focus on the trade-off between data communication and positioning looking the reconfiguration mechanisms of the radio interface. Specifically, in this paper we investigate a tradeoff between achievable data rate and positioning capability via position and rotation error bound analysis, with the aim of achieving an optimal trade-off.
I. INTRODUCTIONOne of the key innovations of 5G communication, the next generation of mobile networks, is considered to be millimeter wave (mmW). Many research studies as well as 5G prototypes [1] are looking into this new technology in order to understand and verify its real rendering capabilities. [2] In contrast to the predecessor Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology, the 5G has to address a large variety of application requirements spanning from extremely high data rate and accurate positioning capabilities to ultra-reliable communications as well as very low-latency. For this reason the development of flexible and reconfigurable radios (signal waveforms, hardware and transmission techniques) is a key for success as it can enable agile and efficient service multiplexing. [3], [4] One of the most established technology towards this trend is the beamsteering functionality, [5] which has proven capabilities to provide higher data rates, as well as improved positioning accuracies. On the other hand, to achieve full capabilities of proposed future communication systems, the requirement to adjust all aforementioned radio reconfiguration parameters is clear.Furthermore, direct corollary of very different requirements, risen by variety of different applications, is the trade-offs between performance metrics. Then, each performance metric is a function of a different set of radio parameters. Thus a joint analysis is a requisite to have a clear insight into the overall performance of the communication system.The remainder of this article is organized as follows. First, we present the mmW single-user multiple-input-multipleoutput (MIMO) communication system. We continue by introducing the radio reconfiguration parameters under this study, formulate the performance metrics as well as provide light analysis about the effect of those parameters. We extend the analysis via simulation results. Finally, conclusions are drawn.