The following mentions are people who contributed to this work and, in a broader perspective, to my academic career in the past two years. I therefore thank:My twin daughters, Bárbara and Helena, for the time spent developing this work several times deprived me of the sweetness of their coexistence: I hope that one day you will forgive your father and understand my reasons. You are my intergenerational motivation: my reason for leaving something better for the world and, at the same time, my "outstanding something better" for the world. If there is any way to categorize love in this world, it would be the way I feel when you hug my neck so tightly and laugh so loosely nestled in my chest.My mother, Izilda, and to the mother of my daughters, Cristiana: none can work full time, be a father and develop so many research activities without support; at least I am sure I couldn't. My deeds are yours as well; thanks for the love, friendship, and all the "logistics." Some things change; others never do, and I am therefore lucky to have you as my family.Luciana, for being an educator in the lato sensu: offering me a flawless academic supervision and a guidance that consistently increased my level of excellence, clarity, tranquility, and motivation. Thank you also for the life relationship, which goes way beyond academic outputs: you were my supervisor, boss, friend, and sister throughout these years. Thanks for trusting me when I could not. Thanks for embracing such a daunting task of rescuing me from the darkness and the numb when none else could, on so many occasions.Lara: 10 years ago, the first time you entered as a teacher in my bachelor's classes, I could never imagine that our paths would cross again in my career, and I am glad they did.