Abstract-This paper investigates the possibility of using Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) to increase the existing power transmission capacity of overhead lines. The main contribution is to combine theoretical calculations and modeling with real application to conclude benefits of DLR. Both introduction of relevant theory and a case study on a power distribution system in Sweden are included. The concept of DLR implies that the capacity of a component dynamically varies as a function of external parameters, such as weather conditions and loading history. Traditionally, the rating is statically set from simulations of worst-case scenarios. Based on conventional static line rating (SLR) methods, the actual current carrying capability of overhead conductors is underestimated. When an increase in the line current capacity is needed, overhead lines may be rated based on a method that allows system operators to run the lines closer to their actual real-time capacity.Furthermore, the paper addresses the problems of observing safe ground clearance requirements. Knowing the conductor temperature, when it transmits the required electricity is an important factor to be taken into consideration. Therefore, based on real-time ambient conditions with actual line loading and with the help of IEEE-738-2006 standard, the conductor temperature is also calculated in this paper. Finally, an economic analysis is performed to evaluate the financial advantages of applying the dynamic line ratings approach compared to traditional static line ratings technique for a specific overhead conductor (VL3).