The development of mobile phone technology, facilities and its features are currently growing rapidly. Bluetooth is one of mobile phone feature that implement wireless technology which can connect different devices through the ISM band. Bluetooth can be used as a media network for streaming video from computers to mobile phones. The research aims to analyze the influence of video bit rate in video streaming over Bluetooth network. In this research we proposed a design and implementation of Bluetooth connection from computer to mobile phones including the selection of videos and video parameter combination corresponding to stream on Bluetooth network. Based on research results, streaming from computers to mobile phones can be performed with the help of Gnubox and AnalogX Proxy. While based on preliminary research the obtained values for the video bit rate that can be delivered are 8 kbps, 12 kbps, 16 kbps, 20 kbps, and 24 kilobits per second. Results from measurements obtained best value for the parameter of packet loss that is equal to 6.14% at 24 kbps video bit. Although this value is outside the video streaming quality of service based on Cisco, where packet loss value must be less than 5%, but streaming video is a delay-sensitive not a packet loss-sensitive then they still be tolerated. The delay in compliance QoS video streaming is obtained ranged from 0.225 -0.240 millisecond which qualified Cisco QoS (4 -5 second).