The development and progress of each company is always supported by large assets, namely due to the presence of outstanding employees. It takes human resources who have competence, loyalty, discipline and good relationships among employees, in an effort to improve employee performance. The Assyifa Sukabumi Islamic Hospital as one of the hospitals with a large number of employees, still has problems in determining the best employees. Where the selection of employees is still done manually so that the element of subjectivity is relatively high, and requires a relatively long time. It is necessary to use information technology that can be an alternative solution to assist in determining the best employees. In this study, the sample criteria that have been in RSI Assyifa were taken in determining the best employees. These criteria consist of; communication, appreciation, attendance, implementation of duties, running SPO, activeness and achievements. Based on these criteria, weighting and ranking were carried out using the Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) method, in this study the results were obtained in the form of a mobile application that can be used by RSI Assyifa in helping determine the best employee.