ElsevierSoler Fernández, D.; Albiach Vicent, J.; Martínez Molada, E.; Manzoni, P. (2013)
AbstractThe increasing penetration of smartphones, i.e., smart devices with multiple sensing and communication interfaces, creates the possibility to build novel types of networks. Opportunistic networking and Content-Based networking strongly rely on the use of such devices. Smartphones tend to have an ON/OFF status that strongly depends on the user activity, mobility pattern and energy saving approach. Wireless adaptors are, after the terminal screen, the strongest source of power consumption. It is therefore common for a node to occasionally turn off the networking device to save energy. The impact on routing of the presence of nodes in the off-state must therefore be thoroughly evaluated.We propose an analytical model based on evolving graphs, which provides an exhaustive evaluation of routing conditions with the aim to determine the best recurring strategy and parameters when dealing with end-devices that show an ON-OFF behavior. Computational results are given, both on static and dynamic scenarios.