The field of sentiment mining, also known as sentiment mining,sentiment analysis, sentiment mining, sentiment extraction, etc., has seen asurge in the university environment. Various ways to automate the processof sentiment analysis have been tested by researchers in machine learning,data mining, natural language processing, and other fields. They examine thefeelings embedded in people’s opinions and beliefs that affect multiple areas,including companies’ services and products. A movie review has to go throughmany processes to be able to detect and name feelings and achieve greateraccuracy. Due to the structure of the language, the difficulties have been increased, its grammar and dictionary management. As part of this work, wepropose a new approach for extracting words from a specific text and thenclassifying them. Thanks to a phase of pre-processing and extraction of wordsdepending on the frequency, our approach makes it possible to select between500 and 20,000 words with a vectorial construction by applying the techniquesof ”Term Frequency” (T F) and that of the ”Term frequency-Inverse DocumentFrequency” (T F − IDF). Four different Naive Bayes models were thus considered and used (Complement, Multinomial, Bernoulli and Gaussian). We evaluated our proposed approach against different standard measures namelyprecision, accuracy, recall, F1 − score and kappa. The results revealed thatthe Na¨ıve Bayes multinomial system obtained the best results with an accuracyof 86.46%.