“…respectively the fields of the attributes and objects that are involved in the end-user interface and are respectively linked to the QAD (field idQAD) and to the OTD (field ObjTid) that define their constraints.QADWWeight of the attribute in the object[1,100] Input (Key-entered)QADName Unique descriptive name chosen by the expert Input (Key-entered) QADLastUpdate Date and Hour of Last Update by the Expert Get system date and hour when the last update by the expert QADType Type of value {Boolean, Character, Integer, Float, Double, String, DateHour, Enum} Combo List to choose QADU Unit of the attribute if any (optional) Input (Key-entered) QADVmin Minimum value of the attribute Input (Key-entered) QADVmax Maximum value of the attribute Input (Key-entered) QADConst The value of the attribute is constant Radio Button () Yes () No QADMand The value of the attribute is mandatory (may be 0) Radio Button () Yes () No QADDefault Default value when not provided by the user Input (Key-entered) QADlinlog Linear value or logarithm scale (Log Base ) Input (Key-entered) Default is Linear QADFuzzy [-1,1] Fuzzy characteristic membership function Graph Graphic of the sigmoid function APeriodicity Periodicity update of the attribute specified in time unit: {s,m,h,d,w,m,y} : second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year. When a revaluation will be launched (* if too short cause performance issue) Input (Key-entered) Expert Interface : Fields of the Qualifier Attribute Descriptor (QAD) OTNbQAD Number of Qualifier Attribute Descriptors of the Object Type.…”