One of the main focus areas of the 3013 Surveillance Program is a thorough evaluation of the inner container closure weld region (ICCWR) opened for destructive examination (DE). As part of the protocol to investigate the corrosion in the ICCWR a laser confocal microscope (LCM) is used to perform close visual examination of the surface and measurements of corrosion features on the surface. DE containers from FY13 through FY16 were screened with three candidates selected for full circumference evaluation (FCE) according to the ICCWR examination protocol [1].During the FCE, FY16 DE05 and FY15 DE07 showed suspect major corrosion events [2,3]. FY16 DE05 Section C2 shows two crack-like features, identified as Denebola and Draco. Both features are located at the boundary of Zone 2 and Zone 3. Consequently, Section C2 of FY16 DE05 was selected for examination by serial metallography at Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL). For FY15 DE07 the suspect corrosion events were observed on Sections C1 and C2. Section C1 shows one crack-like feature, identified as Acrux. Section C2 shows three crack-like features, identified as Bellatrix, Cursa Minor and Cursa Major. Unlike Acrux and Bellatrix, which are located at the boundary of Zone 2 and Zone 3, Cursa Minor and Cursa Major are located in Zone 2. Sections C1 and C2 of FY15 DE07 were sent to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) for characterization by X-Ray Tomography (XRT).Before preparing the sample for the metallographic analysis, the LCM images of FY16 DE05 Section C2 were analyzed using the Image Analysis Software (IAS) developed by LANL [4]. Several suspect corrosion features were identified, labeled as D1 through D6, where D1 corresponds to Denebola and D2 corresponds to Draco. Corrosion features D1 through D6 were characterized by SEM. The SEM image of Denebola (D1) show it is an apparent chipped section on the surface, but more information will be obtained in the future from the cross-section examination. Draco (D2) seems to be a crack with pits along the crack. Corrosion features D3 and D6 are large pits within the grain growth zone close to the weld. For D3, part SRNL-L6000-2020-00057 Page 2 of 16 Revision 0 of the grain boundary can be observed inside the pit, but no apparent crack was identified. For D6, a large separation of the grains can be observed inside the pit which may indicate intergranular corrosion or a crack formation. Corrosion feature D4 does not show visible signs of cracks. Corrosion feature D5 is a large pit with an apparent crack inside. Intergranular and pitting corrosion was observed in most of the images. FY16 DE05 Section C2 was cut into a smaller sample, labeled as Subsection C2a, and mounted for cross-section examination. The specimen was successively ground with finer and finer abrasive media to the first position (885 m from weld edge). SEM images from the 1 st round analysis show pits of different sizes (up to 16 m) and depths (up to 10 m).Initial imaging of FY15 DE07 Section C2 was obtained using XRT at LANL. However, sample geo...