Until this year, the BISON fuel performance code has been developed primarily for pressurized water reactor (PWR), accident tolerant fuel (ATF), and advanced reactor (e.g., tri-structural isotropic (TRISO), metallic) analyses. The main focus of this work is to develop and document required material models that would aid predicting cladding failure with a specific hydride distribution to be investigated for boiling water reactor (BWR) applications in the next fiscal year. In terms of materials, the primary differences between a BWR and PWR is the use of gadolinia doping of the UO 2 fuel, the use of Zircaloy-2 for the cladding, and the addition of a liner on the inner surface of the cladding for improved pellet-clad mechanical interaction (PCMI) performance. The liner is typically made of pure zirconium or a lower tin content zirconium alloy (e.g. Zr-0.3%Sn). This work details the development and documentation of material and behavioral models for BWR analysis such as the addition of material and behavior models for gadolinia doped UO 2 , pure zirconium, Zr-0.3%Sn, and Zircaloy-2 as well as the ease-of-use additions to allow internal meshing capabilities to include liners. Another important aspect affecting cladding performance is hydrogen diffusion and hydride precipitation in the cladding. A model was added previously for non-lined, homogeneous claddings. In this work, instructions are provided on how to apply the model the BWR liner cladding. Representative experimental values are provided for the hydrogen diffusion parameters and precipitation-dissolution kinetics for typical liner materials of interest.