This article explores possible embeddings of the Standard Model gauge group and its matter representations into F-theory. To this end we construct elliptic fibrations with gauge group SU (3) × SU (2) × U (1) × U (1) as suitable restrictions of a Bl 2 P 2 -fibration with rank-two MordellWeil group. We analyse the five inequivalent toric enhancements to gauge group SU (3) × SU (2) along two independent divisors W 3 and W 2 in the base. For each of the resulting smooth fibrations, the representation spectrum generically consists of a bifundamental (3, 2), three types of (1, 2) representations and five types of (3, 1) representations (plus conjugates), in addition to charged singlet states. The precise spectrum of zero-modes in these representations depends on the 3-form background. We analyse the geometrically realised Yukawa couplings among all these states and find complete agreement with field theoretic expectations based on their U (1) charges. We classify possible identifications of the found representations with the Standard Model field content extended by right-handed neutrinos and extra singlets. The linear combination of the two abelian gauge group factors orthogonal to hypercharge acts as a selection rule which, depending on the specific model, can forbid dangerous dimension-four and -five proton decay operators.