forms hydrogels when mixed with guanosine (1)a nd KCl. The 5'-hydroxamic acid (HA) unit is pH-responsive and also chelates Fe 3+ .When gels are prepared under basic conditions,the 5'-HA groups are deprotonated and the anionic hydrogel binds cationic thiazole orange (TO), signaled by enhanced fluorescence.T he HA nucleoside 3,w hen immobilized in the G-quartet gel, acts as as upramolecular siderophore to form red complexes with Fe 3+ .W ep atterned the hydrogelss urface with FeCl 3 ,b yhand and by using a3 Dp rinter.P atterns form instantly,a re visible by eye,a nd can be erased using vitamin C. This hydrogel, combining self-assembled G-quartet and siderophore-Fe 3+ motifs,i ss trong, can be molded into different shapes,a nd is stable on the bench or under salt water.