Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) is a classical glycosphingolipid (GSL) storage disease. Although the genetic and biochemical bases for a massive cerebral accumulation of ganglioside GM2 in TSD have been well established, the mechanism for the neural dysfunction in TSD remains elusive. Upon analysis of GSLs from a variant B TS brain, we have detected a novel GSL that has not been previously revealed. We have isolated this GSL in pure form. Using NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and chemical synthesis, the structure of this unusual GSL was established to be a taurine-conjugated GM2 (tauro-GM2) in which the carboxyl group of Nacetylneuraminic acid was amidated by taurine. Using a rabbit anti-tauro-GM2 serum, we also detected the presence of tauro-GM2 in three other small brain samples from one variant B and two variant O TSD patients. On the other hand, tauro-GM2 was not found in three normal human brain samples. The presence of tauro-GM2 in TS brains, but not in normal brains, indicates the possible association of this unusual GM2 derivative with the pathogenesis of TSD. Our findings point to taurine conjugation as a heretofore unelucidated mechanism for TS brain to cope with water-insoluble GM2.
Tay-Sachs disease (TSD)1 is a classical inborn lysosomal glycosphingolipid (GSL) storage disease characterized by massive cerebral accumulation of ganglioside GM2 due to the deficiency of either -hexosaminidase A or GM2-activator protein (1). Although the genetic mutations and biochemical basis of TSD have been well established (1, 2), the mechanism that leads to the neuropathological manifestations in TSD is still not fully understood (1). Based on the premise that GSLs specifically found in TS brain are associated with the pathogenesis of TSD, we carried out studies of GSLs in brain samples from patients with TSD. This report describes the detection and structural elucidation of a novel GM2 derivative in TS brain samples. By using NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and chemical synthesis, the structure of this GM2 derivative isolated from a 75-g variant B TS brain sample was established to be tauro-GM2 in which the carboxyl group of Neu5Ac is amidated by taurine. We have also raised a rabbit anti-tauro-GM2 serum and immunologically detected the presence of tauro-GM2 in additional small brain samples (1-2 g) from one variant B and two variant O TSD patients. Under the same conditions, we did not detect the presence of tauro-GM2 in three normal human brain samples.
Isolation of an Unknown Compound (UC) from a Variant B TS BrainSample-Crude GSL extract was prepared from the brain sample (75 g) of a variant B TS patient as described (3). The GSL extract was dissolved in 70 ml of chloroform/methanol/water (30/60/8, v/v/v) and applied onto a Q-Sepharose column (2.5 ϫ 75 cm) that had been equilibrated with the same solvent. After washing the column with the same solvent, the gangliosides were eluted with a linear gradient of sodium acetate (4). The flow rate was 1.0 ml/min, and 7-ml fractions were collec...