Objectives: The relationship between polymorphic variants of folate metabolism genes with clinical (blood pressure level before and at the end of pregnancy) and clinical and laboratory indicators (proteinuria, fibrinogen, total protein, urea and creatinine in the blood, activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time) were studied in pregnant women with preeclampsia. Materials and Methods: The study group included 322 pregnant women diagnosed with preeclampsia and 179 women with normal pregnancy. Polymorphisms of the folate cycle genes (MТHFR +677С>Т (rs1801133), MТHFR +1298 A>С (rs1801131), MТRR +66 A>G (rs1801394), MТR +2756 A>G (rs1805087)) were studied by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of DNA synthesis (Real-time-PCR). Results: Polymorphic markers +2756 AA MТR and +1298 AС, +1298СС MТHFR are associated with an increased level of diastolic and systolic blood pressure, respectively, in women with pre-eclampsia prior to pregnancy. The genotypes +677ST and + 677TT MTHFR are associated with an increased level of proteinuria, and the genetic variants of +2756 AA MTR and +66GG MTRR are associated with a lower protein content in the blood and a high proteinuria level in pregnant women with preeclampsia. Conclusions: Thus, as a result of this study, significant associations of genetic polymorphisms MТHFR +677С>Т, MТHFR +1298 A>С, MТR +2756 A>G, MТRR +66 A>G with indices of blood pressure, protein content in the blood, proteinuria level in pregnant women with preeclampsia were determined.