The developmental period when neuronal responses are modified by visual experience is reported to start and end earlier in layer 4 than in layer 2/3ofthevisualcortex,andthematurationofGABAergicinhibitorycircuitsissuggestedtodeterminethetimingofthisperiod.Here,weexamine whether the laminar difference in such timing corresponds to a difference in the time course of the functional maturation of GABAergic synaptic transmission to star pyramidal and pyramidal cells in layers 4 and 2/3, respectively, of the mouse visual cortex and whether the development of the strength of GABAergic transmission is affected by visual deprivation in a laminar-specific manner. Our analysis of developmental changes in inhibitory postsynaptic currents of star pyramidal and pyramidal cells evoked by electrical stimulation of afferents or action potentials of fast-spiking GABAergic neurons revealed that there was a sequential maturation of GABAergic function from layers 4 to 2/3. The maturation of inhibition in layer 4 occurred at postnatal week 3, which preceded by 1 week that of layer 2/3. Visual deprivation by dark rearing arrested the functional development of GABAergic transmission in layer 2/3, whereas dark rearing was not so effective in layer 4. GABAergic synapses in layer 2/3 were sensitive to an agonist for cannabinoid type 1 receptors and not normally matured in receptor knock-out mice, whereas those in layer 4werenotso.Theseresultssuggestlaminar-specificmaturationofinhibitionandsusceptibilitytovisualdeprivation,whichmayberelatedtothe laminar difference in sensitivity to endocannabinoids.