“…The show, created from footage of Sea Shepherd's pursuit of -and encounters with -Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean, attracted a large and broad audience and interest of scholars concerned with media construction of environmental activism, anti-whaling, and political conflict (Besel and Besel, 2010;Crouch and Damjanov, 2011;Kato, 2015;McHendry, 2012;Russill, 2009). Whale Wars also drew the attention of political scientists, sociologists, criminologists, and legal experts, resulting in investigations of radical environmentalism and identity (Cianchi, 2015;Nagtzaam, 2017;Stuart et al, 2013), activism and international law (Humphreys and Smith, 2011;Moffa, 2012;Nagtzaam, 2014Nagtzaam, , 2017Nagtzaam and Lentini, 2007), and political violence (Nagtzaam, 2014(Nagtzaam, , 2017Nagtzaam and Lentini, 2007).…”