improvements are, respectively, noticed according to the SISO case. However, compared to the results shown in Figure 9, higher BER levels are obtained, in this case, for the same SNR. This is due to the high delay spreading of the isotropic channel.The generated WiMAX frame is transmitted with respect to a certain power level. This level is changed by a 2 dBm step during the evaluation process. The system performances are then quantified by computing the mean BER levels at each step. The obtained results show the improvements provided by the use of multiple antennas techniques (cf. Fig. 12). For a high transmitting power, the BER level do not reach 10 À2 in the SISO case, while it moves closer to 10 À3 in the MISO and MIMO cases.Likewise, to ensure a BER of 10 À2 , the SISO system needs to transmit data with a power level of nearly À15 dBm, while the MISO system needs only À30 dBm. This represents a 15 dB power saving between the two configurations. Moreover, this power saving level can be enhanced up to 20 dB with the use of MIMO. These statements can be, clearly, observed in Figure 13, where the BER gain relative to each couple of antenna configurations is illustrated over the considered power range.
CONCLUSIONSPerformances of a WiMAX MIMO-OFDM system have been studied through active measurements in a reverberation chamber. The aim of these tests is to estimate the contribution of MIMO techniques on this system in such a controlled environment. Moreover, this kind of tests allows evaluating and comparing performances of real systems in a reference context. Such an experimental system is influenced by many hardware or measurement context imperfections. For this reason, some corrections techniques have been set up and presented in this article. Improvements due to the use of multi-antennas and numerical correction techniques have been shown through the obtained results. The following step is to emulate channels with known PDP and AOA. This could help for conducting different kind of experiments:• Evaluation and comparison of different MIMO systems performances in a reference channel.• Evaluation and comparison of different estimation and correction algorithms performances in such channels.• Evaluation of the antennas parameters (coupling, antenna efficiency, etc.) on the real system capacities. ABSTRACT: Efficient and high-gain aperture coupled patch antenna arrays with superstrate at 60 GHz are studied and presented. It is noted that adding a superstrate with a specific size will induce a significant effect on antenna gain and radiation patterns. This capability is applied on the design of 2 Â 2 and 4 Â 4 arrays for high-gain application. The maximum measured gain of a 2 Â 2 superstrate antenna array is 16 dBi