A compact rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (RDRA) with a surface-mounted short rectangle (SMSR) having an E-a shaped microstrip feed of wide aperture slot investigated for C-band operation in applications of Radar as well as wireless. The surface-mounted short rectangle improved the gain and efficiency characteristics. The size, material, and cost are essential considerations in designing an antenna due to advancements in C-band applications. The RDRA designed on a small-size substrate is 46x46x1.6 mm 3 made with FR4. It is rugged and can withstand in all pressure conditions. The proposed design utilizes copper has high conductivity and low cost for SMSR enhancement of return loss up to -47 dB, additionally gain to 9.4 dB, and observed bandwidth impedance of 19.6 % in the wide frequency of (5.75-7.5) GHz. Furthermore, 3dB beam width attained in Eplane 108.43 0 whereas in Hplane is 64.36 0 . The proposed SMSR design outcomes the conventional counterparts in all salient parameters, including return loss, impedance bandwidth, Gain, and Radiation efficiency with small size and low cost.