We report on an experimental investigation of stimulated Brillouin scattering pumped with a Bessel beam. Owing to the extended interaction length along the diffraction-free propagation, higher-order Stokes components are generated in a bulk Brillouin-active medium with odd and even orders propagating in opposite directions. The spatial, spectral, and temporal properties of the interacting waves are discussed. © 2001 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 290.5830, 190.4420, 190.5940. Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) f irst attracted the attention of the laser-physics community because of its phase-conjugation properties, an effect widely used for wave-front correction in powerful amplif ier systems. In the 1970's SBS was studied in optical f ibers, in which long interaction lengths can be achieved, significantly lowering the SBS threshold. Effects such as higher-order Stokes and anti-Stokes generation, 1 four-wave mixing, and self-phase modulation were investigated 2 ; the concepts of a Brillouin fiber laser and Brillouin mode locking were also introduced.
3In the 1980's the f irst experimental observation of pulse compression by SBS was published, 4 which triggered great interest with the prospect of achieving high peak intensities with nearly 100% conversion efficiency. During the two decades that followed, pulse energies of more than 1 J were compressed, 5 subphonon-lifetime pulses were achieved, 6 and compression ratios greater than 20 were realized by use of Gaussian beams. In 1987 the concept of diffraction-free beams was introduced by Durnin and co-workers. 7,8 They pointed out that the Helmholtz equation, apart from its trivial plane-wave solution, possesses a whole class of diffraction-free solutions, the simplest being a monochromatic wave propagating along the z axis with amplitude F͑r, u, z; k͒ exp͑ibz͒J 0 ͑ar͒ ,where r 2 x 2 1 y 2 , a 2 1 b 2 k 2 , and J 0 is the zero-order Bessel function. This wave has a central maximum with half-width ϳa 21 surrounded by concentric ring-shaped maxima with amplitudes decaying as r 21͞2 . The total energy of such a beam is infinite, since each lobe carries approximately the same energy as the preceding one. This fact makes it practically impossible to generate a nondiffracting beam for an infinite propagation distance.If the Bessel beam is modulated by a Gaussian function exp͑2r 2 ͞w 2 ͒, the total energy in the beam is f inite. This makes Bessel -Gauss beams 10 experimentally feasible and limits the diffraction-free propagation to distances L w͞g, where g is the angular half-aperture of the cone of the Bessel beam ͓a k sin͑g͔͒. A Bessel -Gauss beam with w 5 mm and a cone angle of 2g 2.5 ± is nearly nondiffracting for a distance L ഠ 25 cm, creating an intense line focus with a constant diameter of a few micrometers. The application of such a beam in nonlinear processes offers a number of unique possibilities.11 -17