The scarcity of well-preserved primary Hadean-Eoarchean material (e.g. Goodwin, 1996) impedes understanding of Earth's earliest continental crust. However, the geochemical legacy of ancient (>3,800 Ma) crustal seeds may survive reworking, conveying information on early crust-mantle differentiation into younger continental crust and ultimately the detrital record (Griffin, Belousova, Shee, Pearson, & O 'Reilly, 2004;Guitreau et al., 2019). The Archean Yilgarn Craton (YC) in Western Australia (Figure 1a) has enabled significant advances in the understanding of the spatial and temporal development of early Earth's crust (e.g. Cassidy et al., 2006). The Narryer Terrane, in the northwestern YC, preserves some of the oldest continental crust on the planet (>3,700 Ma; Kinny, Williams,