Abstract. Galanin is a 29 amino acid neuropeptide that is widely distributed in the nervous system and acts by binding to three G protein-coupled receptors (Galr1, Galr2 and Galr3). in the literature, the presence of galanin has been reported in nerve fibers innervating the rat carotid body; however, direct evidence of the different galanin receptor subtypes expressed in carotid body cells has yet to be provided. in the present study, we investigated the presence and location of the three galanin receptor subtypes in 12 rat carotid bodies through real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunohistochemistry. Real-time PCR identified Galr1 and Galr2 mrna, with Galr2 gene expression being 100 times higher than that of the Galr1 gene. Galr3 mrna was not detected. Statistically significant differences were not observed between the mean number of Galr1-and Galr2-positive type i cells (40.5±15.5 vs. 37.1±13.2%). anti-Galr3 immunohistochemistry did not identify positive cells in the carotid body. Type ii cells were negative for the three galanin receptor subtypes. Our findings suggest that galanin may play a neuromodulator or trophic role in type i cells by binding to Galr1 and Galr2.
IntroductionGalanin is a 29 amino acid neuropeptide initially isolated from porcine intestine (1) and widely distributed in the central and peripheral nervous system. Galanin has been found to regulate many different functions in the central nervous system, such as energy and osmotic homeostasis, arousal/ sleep regulation, reproduction, nociception and cognition.Three G protein-coupled receptors (Galr1, Galr2 and GalR3) have been identified (2-5). These show low sequence similarities, but are highly conserved between species (6). GalR1 and GalR2 show similar affinity towards galanin, whereas the affinity of GalR3 is lower (7). The three galanin receptor subtypes show distinct but overlapping expression patterns in the central and peripheral nervous system. Galr1 expression is higher in olfactory structures and subregions of the amygdala, thalamus, hypothalamus, pons, medulla and spinal cord. Galr2 shows the highest expression levels in the hippocampus (mainly dentate gyrus and CA3 field) and hypothalamus (supraoptic, arcuate and mammillary nuclei). Galr3 expression in the central nervous system is lower and mainly limited to the hypothalamus and areas of the mid-and hindbrain (7). Galanin-like peptide (GalP) is another endogenous ligand for galanin receptors that was originally identified in porcine hypothalamus and the gastrointestinal tract (8). its gene shows a similar structural organization to the galanin gene. The binding affinity of GALP has been reported to be the highest for Galr3, followed by Galr2 (9).The carotid body is a small ellipsoid tissue mass located at the carotid bifurcation. it is an arterial chemoreceptor that induces increases in ventilatory volume and frequency in response to hypoxia, hypercapnia, or reduction of blood pH. The carotid body is organized in lobules separated by thin connective septa. The cells...