An edge colouring of Kn with k colours is a Gallai k-colouring if it does not contain any rainbow triangle. Gyárfás, Pálvölgyi, Patkós and Wales proved that there exists a number g(k) such that n ≥ g(k) if and only if for any colour distribution sequence (e1,, there exist a Gallai k-colouring of Kn with ei edges having colour i. They also showed that Ω(k) = g(k) = O(k 2 ) and posed the problem of determining the exact order of magnitude of g(k). Feffer, Fu and Yan improved both bounds significantly by proving Ω(k .5 ). We resolve this problem by showing g(k) = Θ(k 1.5 /(log k) 0.5 ).