David Clas ExpenmentalNifedipine Inhibits Cholecystokinin-Induced Gallbladder Contraction.The pur pose of this study was to show that mfedlpine, a calcium channel blocker, can decrease:: gallbladder contractllity in gUlnea plgs and ln man The Importance of calcium fluxes ir smooth muscle contraction is weil reGognlzed. In contrast to the action potential of sk€letal muscle, the action potentlal of smooth muscl& IS calcium dependent.Nlfedlpine 13 one of a group of calcium channel blocklng drugs that has been used chnlcally ln the management of angina and hypertension. Calcium channel blockers cause their clinical effect by acting on the smooth muscle of the blood vessels. The entire gastrointestinal tract, including the gallbladder, contains smooth muscle. Although the use of nifedipine has been studied in the treatment of a vanety of gastrointestinal motlilty disturbances, its effect on gallbladder rTIotlhty has not yet been weil characterized.The purpose of this study was to Investigate, both in an in vivo animal model and in man, the effects of the calcium channel blocker nifedipine on the cholecystoklnln-Induced contraction of the gallbladder. We hypothesized that nlfedlpine dlmlnlshes gallbladder contractility. ThiS effect may be potentially useful chnlcally ln the management of bihary collc. As motility disorders of the gallbladder are Imphcated ln ga"stone formation, any decreased gallbladder motility due to calcium channel blockers used for other therapeutic purposes may cause galistonE? disease ln the many patients on these drugs.ln man, the gallbladder is a ~ollow pear shaped appendage of the extrahepatic biliary tree. It is found on the undereurface of the hver in a de pression on the right lObe. It 15 normally from 7 ta 1 0 cm long and 2 to 3 cm wide. The volume of the gallbladder vanes but is usually from 35 to 50 ml (3). The gallbladder is Il 1 l il divided into three regions, the fundus, the body, and the neck, whlch JOins tlle eystic duet and ultlmately combines wlth the eommon hepatlc duet ta form the common bile duct. The common bile duct JOins wlth the main pancreatlc duct to drain Into the duodenum This terminai segment IS known as the ampulla ofVater. It 13 surrounded by smooth muscle, the sphincter of Oddl Dehvery of bile mto the duodenum IS not only controlled by contraction of the gallbladder but also by the motlhty of the sphincter of Oddl (4) The gallbladder wall is composed of five layers, the innermost mucous layer, the lamina propna, the muscular layer whlch consists of Irregularly onented smooth muscle fibre bundles, the penmuscular connective tissue layer. and an outermost serous layer.The blood supply of the human gallbladder usually anses trom a single cystlc art~ry, a branch of the nght hepatlc arlery There are numerous anatomlc val iatlons whlch are of greater surglcal Importance than physlologlc significance. The organ also recelves blood dlrectly from the hepatlc surface of the liver. There IS no major cystlc vein Venous return runs elther directly to the liver or ...