Generalizing Tate's results for tori, we give closed formulas for the abelian Galois cohomology groups H 1 ab (F, G) and H 2 ab (F, G) of a connected reductive group G over a global field F , and obtain formulas for the first nonabelian Galois cohomology set H 1 (F, G) of G and for the second Galois cohomology group H 2 (F, T ) of an F -torus T . We discuss compatibility with restriction, corestriction, and localization. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Tate cohomology of bounded complexes 2.1. The stable module category 2.2. Tate cohomology 2.3. Restriction and corestriction 2.4. The standard resolution 2.5. Tate cohomology in terms of the standard resolution 2.6. Restriction and corestriction in terms of the standard resolution 2.7. Explicit formulas in degrees −1 and 0 3. The Tate-Nakayama isomorphism for bounded complexes of tori 3.1. The local Tate class. 3.2. The global Tate class α 3 . 3.3. Definition of the isomorphism 3.4. Compatibility with restriction and corestriction 3.5. Compatibility with localization 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. 11E72, 20G10, 20G25, 20G30. Key words and phrases. Galois cohomology, reductive groups, global fields, stable derived category, Tate hypercohomology, global Tate class. Borovoi was partially supported by the Israel Science Foundation (grant 1030/22). Kaletha was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-1801687 and a Simons Fellowship. MIKHAIL BOROVOI AND TASHO KALETHA 3.6. Compatibility with connecting homomorphisms 18 4. Absolute Galois cohomology in a special case 19 4.1. Helpful quasi-isomorphisms 19 4.2. The non-archimedean local case 20 4.3. The global case 23 4.4. H 2 for a finite diagonalizable F -group scheme 29 4.5. Compatibility with restriction and corestriction 30 4.6. Compatibility with localization 32 4.7. Compatibility with connecting homomorphisms 33 5. Galois cohomology of reductive groups 34 5.1. Toric extensions 35 5.2. The fundamental group and abelian cohomology 35 5.3. A stable crossed module 37 5.4. The abelianization map 38 5.5. Computation in terms of π 1 (G) 39 5.6. Compatibility with restriction 40 References 42