I provide methods of constructing elliptic and hyperelliptic curves over global fields with interesting rational points over the given fields or over large field extensions. I also provide a elliptic curves defined over any given number field equipped with a rational point, (resp. with two rational points) of infinite order over the given number field, and elliptic curves over the rationals with two rational points over 'simplest cubic fields.' I also provide hyperelliptic curves of genus exceeding any given number over any given number fields with points (over the given number field) which span a subgroup of rank at least g in the group of rational points of the Jacobian of this curve. I also provide a method of constructing hyperelliptic curves over rational function fields with rational points defined over field extensions with large finite simple Galois groups, such as the Mathieu group M 24 .My scheme is far more subtle. Let me outline it for you. Bertie Wooster in [21] CONTENTS * This data has been computed recently using [5], my own computations, for a more modest range of values (d ≤ 20), in 1989-92 were carried out with a patchwork of small search programs, with many stretches of manual and symbolic computations as well, were written mostly in PASCAL for VAX and CYBER "mainframes" which were owned by the Tata Institute at the time. When John Cremona's 'mwrank' became available I was able to extend these computations.