This is an erratum to the article [Pau04].The conceptual mistake underlying this errata is the following: the fact that a simple abelian variety has non-commutative Mumford-Tate group does not imply (on contrary to what we wrote at some point in the article) that its adjoint Mumford-Tate group is simple. This was explained to the author by Laurent Clozel and Rutger Noot. This mistake does not entail the core of our results but some applications. It is easily corrected by the following.On p140, line -3, we replace the sentence "Suppose for the rest...non-commutative Mumford-Tate group" by "Suppose for the rest of this paragraph that A is a simple abelian variety with nontrivial simple adjoint Mumford-Tate group".On p141, proof of corollary 2.4.3, replace the sentence "Since A is a simple abelian variety,... is transitive" by the sentence "Since the adjoint Mumford-Tate group is Q-simple, the Galois action on I is transitive".On p155, in Corollary 4.2.5, replace the hypothesis "Let A be a simple abelian variety over a number field with non-commutative Mumford-Tate group" by "Let A be a simple abelian variety with nontrivial simple adjoint Mumford-Tate group".