Abstract:A linear response of the electron system of multilayer conducting structures placed in a strong magnetic field to an external action in the form of an electric field and a temperature gradient is studied theoretically. It is shown that joint investigations of the magnetoresistance and the thermo-emf allows new important information on the structure of the electron energy spectrum to be obtained and the presence of Q1D sheets of the Fermi surface to be revealed. c Versita Warsaw and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. All rights reserved.Keywords: Layered conductor, thermoelectric effect, quantum oscillations PACS (2006): 71.18+y, 72.15 Jf A considerable number of microscopic multilayered structures of organic origin possess sharply anisotropic electrical conductivity of a metallic type. The in-plane conductivity is much higher than the conductivity along the normal n to the layers, which enables us to suggest that the probability of electron tunnelling between the layers is small. In calculating the electrical conductivity and thermoelectrical coefficients such anisotropy should be taken into account with the help of the low dimensional character of the electron energy spectrum, i.e. the energy of conduction electrons ε(p) depends weakly on the momentum projection p z = np onto the normal n to the layers [1,2].