Abstract. More than half of Germany's functional illiterates are gainfully employed adults. This paper presents the eVideo approach that aims at people with poor basic education. The course "eVideo mobile -digital media in hospitality industry" is a game-based work-related eLearning course. It is based on an inclusive eLearning platform. Basic educational skills are addressed in workplace-related interactive videos and exercises on different competency levels. In a small pilot study users were observed while using the course and afterwards questioned in interviews.
Keywords: Mobile learning · Inclusive eLearning Functional illitracy · Poor basic educationThere are about 7.5 million functional illiterates in Germany [1]. More than half of them are gainfully employed adults. Therefore offers for this target group should deal with content, which is workspace related. There are already different existing national and international projects like [2][3][4] that are addressing this topic. The eVideo approach [5] is aiming at this as well, with gamebased work-related eLearning courses that are targeting basic educational skills, including literacy and numeracy as well as media literacy. There is already some research on eLearning and inclusion [6] as well as on game-based training in basic education [7]. In the eVideo course the user interacts with colleagues in short video sequences, completes typical work tasks and thereby solves an underlying work-related adventure. The core idea of this format is a combination of realistic workplace-related videos and exercises on different competency levels. The course of events is guided and linear and also designed for "technical novices". Nevertheless some users might need additional support.The novelty presented in this paper is a redesign of the eVideo technology so that the educational approach is retained while the system runs on a smartphone, thereby enabling time and space independent access. This redesign has been implemented in the context of the course "eVideo mobile -digital media in hospitality industry". The course is developed to be responsive and can be used