We consider completely random games with a finite number of players, that is, games in which the strategies are laws of probability and the players' moves are random variables with the distribution given by the strategies. The payoff of the game is given by a function of the conditional expectation of the move of a player versus the move of the others, which allows studying games in which the strategies may be probability distributions dependent on one another. In this context we first present a static game with two players and two strategies for which we show numerically the existence of an equilibrium point which is a fixed point either of the global best possible reply or best possible average reply of players in the game. We verify numerically that the strategies given by the equilibrium point are optimal. We also present a more general approach that encompasses the example presented. In this general approach the strategies are probability measures indexed by parameters belonging to a compact convex set of real vectors. Under mild hypothesis we show that the game admits equilibriums.