:In environmental sex determination (ESD) gender is decided after conception, depending on the environment, rather than being genetically fixed. ESD has rarely been studied in homosporous ferns. In the present study, Culcita macrocarpa gametophytes were cultured under varying nutrient conditions. Initially, most of the gametophytes of Culcita macrocarpa were male and subsequently hermaphrodite under different nutrition. The result indicates that its sex determination is protandry. All nutrient conditions were favourable for developing male prothalli but only good environment (high nutrient) was favourable for female gametophyte growth. In all respects, female gametophytes were much larger, than the other types of gametophytes. Hermaphroditic gametophytes were larger than male gametophytes, which were larger than asexual gametophytes.Key Words: Environmental sex determination, homosporous fern, Culcita macrocarpa, protandry, hermaphroditic. mvivsk t cwi ‡ekxq wj½ wba© vi ‡Yi(ESD) † ¶ ‡Î Mf© avi ‡Yi ci wj½ wba© viY RxbMZ wba© vi ‡Yi †P ‡q cwi ‡ekxq wba© vi ‡Yi Dci ‡ekx wbf© ikxj| mg ‡iYy cÖ m~ dv ‡Y© cwi ‡ekxq wj½ wba© viY m¤ú ‡K© wKQy M ‡elYv n ‡q ‡Q| eZ© gvb M ‡elYvq wewfboe cy wó ‡ ¶ ‡Î Culcita macrocarpa Gi Pvl Kiv n ‡q ‡Q| cÖ v_wgK ch© v ‡q wewfboe cy wóMZ Ae¯' vq C. macrocarpa Gi AwaKvsk wj ‡½i Dw™¢ cy i"l Ges cieZx© ‡Z Dfwj½| djvdj wb ‡`© k K ‡i †h,G ‡`i wj½ wba© viY †cÖ vUvwÛª (Protandry)| mKj cy wó gva¨g cy s †cÖ v ‡_jv ‡mi Rb¨ Dchy ³ wKš' ïay gvÎ fvj cwi ‡ekB ¯¿ x wj½a ‡ii Rb¨ Dchy ³| mKj † ¶ ‡Î, ¯¿ x wj½ai Ab¨ mKj wj½ai Dw™¢ ‡`i Zz jbvq AvKv ‡i A ‡bK eo| Dfwj½ wj½ai cy s-wj½ai †_ ‡K eo hv Avevi A ‡hŠb wj½ai †_ ‡K eo|