This study was conducted to find out the efficacy of gamified activities as students' learning engagement in an online English class. It employed a descriptive design, and it was participated by seventy (70) Grade 11 students under online distance learning of Laguna Senior High School. A survey questionnaire was used as the main instrument in obtaining the pertinent information. It determined the status of gamified activity elements such as enjoyable, educational, interactive, and participative on students' motivation, interest, competence, and behavior. It also identified the level of student learning engagement during online classes and whether this variable significantly affects the student's engagement during online classes.The results of the study revealed that the status of gamified activity elements was very high. The findings also exposed that the level of students learning engagement during online classes with regards to students' interest was very high while students' motivation, competence, and behavior were high. It also showed that there is a significant effect of using gamified activities on students' learning engagement in online English classes when it comes to gamified elements, educational, interactive, and participative. However, in terms of the variable, enjoyable, it was observed that it brings positive effects to students but lest no significance. Based on the result of the study, the variable, educational, interactive, and participative were observed to be significant while the variable enjoyable was observed to be not significant thus the null hypothesis was partially rejected. Still, this calls for the acceptance of the incites that there is a significant effect of gamified activities on students' learning engagement during an online class. This recommends for the teachers utilize the findings from this study to design activities that will suit the student's needs during this time of the pandemic. School management may also consider the findings from this study to craft projects/activities to address problems related to decreasing the attention span of students during an online class.