Gamification is a strategy for involving students by incorporating game elements into the learning process to improve specific abilities, involving students, optimizing learning, supporting behavior change, and socializing. This study aims to develop gamification-based mathematics teaching materials specifically designed to improve students’ mathematical critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, as well as to test these products based on aspects of their validity, practicality, and effectiveness in the learning process in the classroom. The analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) research and development model is used in this study. The sample used was 153 students from 3 junior high schools, namely Hayyatan Thoyyibah IT Middle School, Pelita YNH Middle School, and Tahfidz Qur’an Al-Fath Islamic Middle School, which were taken through the cluster random sampling technique. Data was collected through game validation sheets, FRISCO critical thinking ability test instruments, Krulik and Rudnick problem-solving ability test instruments, and student response sheets. Data were analyzed using a one-sample t-test, a two-sample paired t-test, and descriptive analysis. The results showed that gamification- based mathematics teaching materials met the valid, practical, and effective criteria for use in learning mathematics, significantly improving junior high school students’ problem-solving abilities and critical mathematical thinking with moderate improvement categories.