The decay scheme of 282-day Ce 144 was investigated using a thin-lens beta spectrometer, proportional counters, and scintillation counters. Intensity measurements and coincidence studies were used to obtain the decay scheme. Two beta rays were found; the main branch is a 76%, 309±5-kev beta ray to the ground state while the 24±5%" 175-kev beta ray goes to a 134-kev level in Pr 144 . From this level there are three parallel 7-ray branches: In 15.3% of the Ce disintegrations one observes a 134-kev gamma ray, in 7.2% a cascade of 81-kev and 54-kev gamma rays, and in 1.5% a cascade of 100 kev and 34 kev. For the conversion of the 134-kev gamma ray, a K =0.71 ±0.20 and K/L=7.1±0.5, while for the 81-kev gamma ray, «^=1.2 ±0.3 and K/L=5.8±0.7.There is insufficient intensity in the 54-kev gamma ray to explain observed coincidences and a strong unobserved 42-kev gamma ray is implied.