1The absolute yields prompt and delayed fission induced by negative muons stopping in 2 3 5u and 2 3 Bu have been rreasured. A coincidence with muonic K a x~rays was used to identify the muon stop in the target. The time distribution of fissions following the muon stopping were also obtained.When a negative muon is captured into the atomic orbit of an actinide nucleus undergoes an atonic cascade, ordinarily reaching the muonic K shell through radiative transitions. The muon then disappears from the K shell at a dlaracteristic rate :A ("' (75 ns) ~l), vihich the sum of leptonic decay rate and nuclear muon capture rate. The rate can be obtained by measuring the time distributions of emitted decay electrons, neutrons, capture y rays, or fission fragments relative to the muon arrival time at the target. Prompt nuclear excitation also occurs, arising from non radiative atomic transitions by some of tr1e cascading muons. A fraction of these excitations wi 11 cause the nucleus to tnn,Dr~n prorrpt fission, leaving the muon attached predominantly to the heavier ' 2 ). The corresponding disappearance rate of the muon attached to the h is observable in all decay channels except that for fission. Another a.ction of the prompt excitations may populate an isomeric state of large deformation 3~5 ), whose decay rate contains components for fission and for y back decay to the less deformed ground state.The prompt fission process was discussed the pioneering work of Zaretski and Novikov 6 ), which related ~~e prompt fission yields to photofission cross sections. They also pointed out that the change in the fission barrier 2 due to the presence of the ls muon will reduce the prorrpt yields. In uranium the fission mode for the isomer is expected to be extremely weak because the inner potential barrier more transparent than the outer one 7 ), especially in the presence of the muon 5 ). The delayed fisson yields have also been calculated from photofission and neutron-induced fission cross sections 8 ).Previous measurernents
9~12) exhibit a large variation in the prompt fission yield 9 y (of up to a factor of five), 'Which indicates large systematic p uncertainties. In fission chamber experiments it is often difficult to estimate the fraction of muons captured onto the thin actinide target, particularly if it is in the form of a compound or mixture. In the present work we identify muon capture onto U by requiring a rnuonic K x ray to precede the fission event.a After applying a correction for the detection efficiency of the fission charrber, the absolute yield for delayed fission is sirrply the ratio of coincidences to total K x rays. In addition, we have observed the time distributions for a fission of rnuonic 2 3 5 ' 2 3 8 u, without coincidence, to determine the mean lifetimesbf,and the prorrpt relative fission yields.In the present measuraments the muon beam from the M9 channel at the TRIUMF meson facility was used. The rnuon~stop signal was obtained from a four~scintillator telescope. In order to reduce the nurrber of false stopp...