The aim of the study was to investigate DNA double-strand break (DSB) formation and its correlation to the absorbed dose to the blood in patients with surgically treated differentiated thyroid cancer undergoing their first radioiodine therapy for remnant ablation. Methods: Twenty patients were included in this study. At least 7 peripheral blood samples were obtained before and between 0.5 and 120 h after administration of radioiodine. From the timeactivity curves of the blood and the whole body, residence times for the blood self-irradiation and the irradiation from the whole body were determined. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were isolated, ethanol-fixed, and subjected to immunofluorescence staining for colocalizing γ-H2AX/53BP1 DSB-marking foci. The average number of DSB foci per cell per patient sample was analyzed as a function of the absorbed dose to the blood and compared with an in vitro calibration curve for 131 I and 177 Lu established previously in our institution. Results: The average number of radiation-induced foci (RIF) per cell increased over the first 3 h after radionuclide administration and decreased thereafter. A linear fit from 0 to 2 h as a function of the absorbed dose to the blood agreed with our in vitro calibration curve. At later time points, RIF numbers diminished, along with dropping dose rates, indicating progression of DNA repair. Individual patient data were characterized by a linear dosedependent increase and a biexponential response function describing a fast and a slow repair component. Conclusion: With the experimental results and model calculations presented in this work, a dose-response relationship is demonstrated, and an analytic function describing the time course of the in vivo damage response after internal irradiation of patients with 131 I is established.Key Words: γ-H2AX; 53BP1; biological dosimetry; radioiodine therapy; DTC; absorbed dose to blood; dose response; DSB focus assay; DNA damage; 131 I; differentiated thyroid cancer Nucl Med 2016; 57:173-179 DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.115.164814 Af ter total thyroidectomy for differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC), patients generally receive one or more treatments with high activities of 131 I. The purpose of the initial radioiodine therapy after surgery is to ablate remnant thyroid tissue and to effectively treat any iodine-avid metastases (1,2). Because patients with DTC generally do not undergo chemotherapy or other radiotherapy before radioiodine therapy, this patient group is ideally suited for the investigation of the DNA damage in blood lymphocytes induced by protracted, nearly homogeneous whole-body irradiation. In this setting, all organs, including the blood, are irradiated by b-particles emitted from circulating 131 I and from penetrating g-radiation originating from activity dispersed throughout the body. The absorbed dose and dose rate to the blood is assessed by defining the timeactivity curves in the blood and the whole body, integrating the corresponding time-activity curves and calculating the absorbed dose acco...