-homology of algebras over an operad
ERIC HOFFBECKThe purpose of this paper is to study generalizations of Gamma-homology in the context of operads. Good homology theories are associated to operads under appropriate cofibrancy hypotheses, but this requirement is not satisfied by usual operads outside the characteristic zero context. In that case, the idea is to pick a cofibrant replacement Q of the given operad P. We can apply to P-algebras the homology theory associated to Q in order to define a suitable homology theory on the category of P-algebras. We make explicit a small complex to compute this homology when the operad P is binary and Koszul. In the case of the commutative operad P D Com, we retrieve the complex introduced by Robinson for the Gamma-homology of commutative algebras.
16E40; 18D50, 18G55, 18G60The classical homology theories of commutative algebras (Harrison homology in the differential graded setting over a field of characteristic 0, see Harrison [11], and André-Quillen homology in the simplicial setting over a ring of any characteristic, see Quillen [16] and André [1]) can be considered as homology theories associated to the commutative operad Com. There is another homology theory for commutative algebras, -homology (Gamma-homology in plain words, also called topological André-Quillen), which has been introduced by Robinson and Whitehouse in [18], and by Basterra in [3] (with a different point of view), to solve obstruction problems in homotopy theory. In the setting of [18], Gamma-homology is defined as the homology theory associated to an E 1 -operad (a cofibrant replacement of Com). This new homology can be defined in the context of differential graded or simplicial context or in the context of spectra, and gives the same result in each case (see Mandell [15]), in contrast with the usual André-Quillen homology.The purpose of this paper is to study generalizations of -homology in the context of operads.